

So this day was spent with some of my favorite people who threw me a surprise party for my 18th birthday. 18. That’s a pretty pivotal moment in a teenage girls’ life. Maybe I won’t be at the club every weekend but 18 is still another year older. I could get that tattoo I’ve always wanted (haha no I can’t thanks to my parents), or i could get married (again not happening) but still knowing these are tangible things is pretty crazy to think about. I feel like my life is just starting with the commencement of college- new people, new classes, new ways of thinking. People say when they turn 18, they have a different outlook on life. Their priorities change, their interests change, and everything in between. It’s all too exciting to think about and I can’t wait to see what 18 has in store for me!

Featured Pieces: Dress: Express// Shoes: Forever 21// Bag: Stella&Max



Desire is the strong feeling of wanting something important to happen to you. Looking back on it, the only desires I  had growing up was the desire to get the boy in math class to like me, but those have changed along with age. Now my desires fall under careers and personal goals that I hope to achieve in the future. Many people are scared of their desires because it means they have something to work toward that they may fail at, but in reality that should be more of a push.


One thing I probably have the most desire for is fashion. I have the desire to grow in the world of fashion and find my true calling within in. Growing up I always loved fashion, even though I didn’t really understand it. I knew I always had to have cohesive pieces so I didn’t look completely crazy, but it also gave me joy when I put a specific outfit on. Fashion is a way to display your personality on a different level from others because you call the shots. With that much power and decision you are allowed, you are bound to make something magical from it.


With the infinite amounts of bad days and heartbreaks we experience in a lifetime, desire keeps us sane. It’s a way for us to persevere and consummate our hoped for milestones, which should be enough of a reason to see desire as a positive and not an intimidating and daunting task.

Jeans: Topshop Top: Zara Shoes: Topshop

Desk Decor


If there is anything I’m almost as passionate about as fashion, it’s definitely room decor. In my mind, I’m a big time interior designer who can design anything at the snap of a finger. Unfortunately, I’m confined to my bedroom and maybe the bathroom, but for now that’s good enough. The most exciting part of my room to design is hands down my desk area. It is imperative to have this space clean and modern; at least for me. It helps me think and clears my mind at the same time. While you’re working, it doesn’t hurt to make the space look good. Starting off with what I think is the most important; a mood board. If you’re working a job that requires constant creativity a board full of fun and inspiring pictures and ideas is the best thing to have, plus it looks really good over any desk. Next are plants! Who doesn’t love a little green? It adds color and earthy tones perfect for a workspace. Lastly, I love candles. They help me relax when I’m freaking out over work or just when I need a nice night in. They add so much to the decor aspect but also smell great! The bottom line here is, your office space is one of the most important parts of any home because it’s where work gets done! So putting a little love into your workspace will benefit you and your work a little more.

Trends: Denim










Let’s think back to a time when denim wasn’t the dominating fabric in American culture. It’s pretty hard to pinpoint a time simply because it was popular from the get go. Back in 1873, denim was created in San Fransisco by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss. During the Gold Rush, at the same time Davis and Strauss were working, miners needed heavy duty pants to resist hard work. From this denim jeans were created. Now for a while jeans were only worn by workers, however as the 50’s rolled along and teens learned what rock and roll meant, jeans were worn by all. During this time specifically, James Dean and other actors universalized jeans. They became a trademark piece for all the bad boys and greasers at the time, but men were not the only ones sporting this new trend. Marilyn Monroe revolutionized style for women when she wore jeans in her films as well. Denim quickly crept its way up the trend pole in America and has yet to leave.

Photo 1// Photo 2// Photo 3

Brunch and Bombers


Sundays are for brunch and bombers. At least I think they are. The perfect way to spend a Sunday is waking up, drinking some lemon water and getting ready for the best meal of the day. This time I was a bit risky stepping out in this bomber, but you do it for the blog, am I right?

Bombers have very well become my second skin these past few months because they are so versatile and comfortable! They work for so many different occasions whether I’m hanging out with friends or going out at night. The best place to get bombers is at thrift shops because there are so many old vintage pieces you could find (even though mine is from H&M, but it was $6!) You are bound to find some insane pieces there.

Thinking about when to wear them? Bombers are perfect for the transition between winter and spring (and if you know me, even summer) so I suggest you snatch one up quick!

bomberfloral bomberbomber j


Celeb Spotlight: Emma Watson

We are crossing the pond today with this celebrity spotlight and focusing all of our attention on Emma Watson. (or Hermoine, for all you die hard Harry Potter fans) When I think of Emma Watson I think of class, because she is probably the classiest woman out there. You can see it in the way she speaks, but also in the way she dresses. She is effortless and chic where ever she finds herself.

emma watson

Take this outfit for example. It is the simplest thing, yet she pulls it off so well with her accessories and hair. She knows how to make an outfit cohesive with even the simplest pieces (considering this outfit is only two items).


She has also nailed the monochromatic look as you can see in these pictures. She has a naturally put together and chic look that compliments her outfits unbelievably. (I wish i could look that good sprinting to the store in my overalls)

Favorite Cities

This post came to me whilst on the train wedged between two strangers in a desperate attempt not to spill coffee all over myself. Staring out at the city I live in, I realized the vitality of it all. The busy streets, stores and subways all contribute to the aesthetic of New York. As much as I love my city, I started thinking about the others I’ve visited and the charm they hold Manhattan may not.

Two of my favorite cities have to be London and Paris. Now these are the two most common cities but they’re freaking awesome so I see why. Starting off with Paris. The fact that I can see the sky from the ground without tilting my head surprised me. We all know New York’s skyscrapers enclose us in our own little glass fishbowl. Aside from that, walking through Paris automatically gave me a feeling of nostalgia. Of what? Oddly enough, the history it holds that I never quite experienced. I felt like I was living in a classic french film and the love of my life was waiting for me with a cup of coffee on some bench (unfortunately it never happened). Each block held a similar but new creation that left me wanting more.


Next stop, London. If anybody knows me they know I never shut up about London and I probably never will. I visited London hopeful and left with a new longing and obsession I didn’t think I would adopt. The people, stores, architecture and overall way of life mesmerized me. To many they think London is just a rainy old city, but I see it as a new discovery.


Celeb Spotlight: Selena Gomez

I’ve been a personal fan of Selena Gomez since Wizards of Waverly Place. Anyone else? I loved her, but I specifically loved her fashion choices. Starting off she was a bit of a tomboy, which I loved because she embodied my style as a thirteen year old, but as she grew up so did her fashion.


As most can see from the copious amounts of pictures of her leaving an airport or picking up some food, she loves monochromatic and basic pieces that she tends to put her own twist on.  She ranges from jeans, a t-shirt and heels to a cute dress and booties, which makes it that much more interesting when new pictures surface.


Another thing I love is her effortlessness. Everything she wears looks like she put A LOT of effort into it, but probably thought about it an hour before walking out the door. Nonetheless, I would kill to have her wardrobe and pull off half of the things she does, so hats off to you Selena.



Fashion Week

Fashion Week has just wrapped up and it was such an eventful one! Shows from Rihanna’s to DVF’S sent their guests to another world for the five minutes they were present.

Rihanna Fenty Puma:

Let’s begin with Rihanna’s show. This lady can do no wrong, and she definitely proved that with this collection. She showcased her edgy and risqué designs that incorporated some of the coolest and ingenious pieces to feature on the runway. She was not afraid to bring her love for street style and multiply it by 50. Maybe because it’s Rihanna, maybe because it was genius. Nevertheless, her casual attire mixed with the offbeat and gritty fabrics created a memorable show.
DVF’S resort show left people with a nostalgia people couldn’t shake off. (of the 70’s that is) Although she incorporated eccentric pieces and colors to her normally classic designs, her genius visions made this show cohesive and impressive. She kept the femininity of her clothes while adding a fun and light twist with the colors and cuts she manifested. We can all agree her runway show kicked butt, but nobody can deny her interactive show featuring some of the hottest models took the cake. Guests watched the most fashionable ladies walk around the venue in some of the coolest and pleasing outfits.
Kanye West:
Like always, Kanye West definitely put on a presentation. His release party meets fashion show that took place in Madison Square Garden had people talking for days. The release of his new album and showcase of his new line left people speechless and maybe a little bit confused. His signature nude collection made a comeback as models strategically stood on blocks while his album played. Continuing his unconventional ways, he invited people to dance and model by his runway leaving people impressed and a bit envious.