Brunch and Bombers


Sundays are for brunch and bombers. At least I think they are. The perfect way to spend a Sunday is waking up, drinking some lemon water and getting ready for the best meal of the day. This time I was a bit risky stepping out in this bomber, but you do it for the blog, am I right?

Bombers have very well become my second skin these past few months because they are so versatile and comfortable! They work for so many different occasions whether I’m hanging out with friends or going out at night. The best place to get bombers is at thrift shops because there are so many old vintage pieces you could find (even though mine is from H&M, but it was $6!) You are bound to find some insane pieces there.

Thinking about when to wear them? Bombers are perfect for the transition between winter and spring (and if you know me, even summer) so I suggest you snatch one up quick!

bomberfloral bomberbomber j


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